Table 1 of Ponce, Mol Vis 2005; 11:752-757.

Table 1. γ-crystallin peak areas from reverse phase chromatography

Samples were collected under equilibrium conditions from the "empty" chamber of the microequilibrium dialysis apparatus. In the "Area 1" column, the α-/γ-crystallin ratio is 0:1, in the "Area 2" column, the α-/γ-crystallin ratio is 1.9:1, and in the "Area 3" column, the α-/γ-crystallin ratio is 2.8:1. The area measurements shown are the average of three determinations and the standard deviation. The asterisks indicate a statistically significant difference for the comparison to the corresponding Area 1 peak (p<0.05).

Peak      Area 1         Area 2         Area 3
----   ------------   ------------   -------------
 1      1827 ±  49     1655 ±  21*    1368 ±  237*
 2     20003 ± 335    19210 ± 393    18702 ±  483*
 3      2569 ± 114     3272 ± 506     3048 ±  481
 4      4554 ± 517     3321 ± 357*    3308 ± 1558*
 5      7072 ± 221     6716 ± 119     6658 ±  593
 6      1118 ±  13     1443 ± 130     1265 ±  217
 7      9304 ± 388     9004 ± 262     8481 ±  864

Ponce, Mol Vis 2005; 11:752-757 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535