Figure 5 of
Acosta, Mol Vis 2005;
Figure 5. Quantification of LDH isoenzymes during mouse retina development
A: LDH5 isoenzyme in control and rd/rd retinas accounted for 75% of the total activity of the retina at all ages, with a significant reduction on content observed in the rd/rd mice at P16 onwards (p<0.001). B: Percentage of LDH3 isoenzyme in control and rd/rd retinas was at all ages less than 10%. However, a significant reduction in LDH3 content was observed at the adult stage (asterisk; p<0.001). C: Representative images depict native gel electrophoresis of the isoenzyme distribution from which quantification was obtained. The direction of the protein migration is from anode (-) to cathode (+).