Figure 1 of Vasireddy, Mol Vis 2005; 11:665-676.

Figure 1. Expression of GFP tagged wild-type and mutant forms of ELOVL4 in COS-7 cells

To determine the expression of Ewt and Emut fusion proteins, lysates of cells trasfected with GFP-Ewt (lane 2), GFP-Emut (lane 3), GFP-Ewt and GFP-Emut (lane 4), V5-Ewt (lane 5), V5-Emut (lane 6), GFP-Ewt, and V5-Emut (lane 7), V5-Ewt, and GFP-Emut (lane 8), EGFP vector alone (lane 9), and mock transfected COS-7 cells (lane 10) were labeled with antibody specific to the GFP tag. Lane 1 contained molecular weight markers. Expected size bands were detected in cells transfected with GFP tagged ELOVL4.

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Vasireddy, Mol Vis 2005; 11:665-676 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535