Table 3 of Fan, Mol Vis 2005; 11:625-631.

Table 3. APOE polymorphisms observed in this study

The asterisk indicates that, compared to control subjects, when analyzed with non-ε4-carriers (genotypes 2/3+3/3), the frequency of ε4-carriers (genotypes 2/4+3/4+4/4) was significantly lower in NTG (OR=0.4, 95% CI: 0.2, 0.8; p=0.007).

                           Allele frequency (percentage)                    Genotype frequency (percentage)
                        ------------------------------------              ------------------------------------
                           HTG          NTG        Control                   HTG          NTG        Control
Polymorphism   Allele    (n=588)      (n=212)      (n=562)     Genotype    (n=294)      (n=106)      (n=281)
------------   ------   ----------   ----------   ----------   --------   ----------   ----------   ----------
  -491A>T        T       28  (4.8)     5  (2.4)    15  (2.7)      TT        3  (1.0)     1  (0.9)     1  (0.4)
                 A      560 (95.2)   207 (97.6)   547 (97.3)      TA       22  (7.5)     3  (2.8)    13  (4.6)
                                                                  AA      269 (91.5)   102 (96.2)   267 (95.0)

  -427T>C        C        5  (0.9)     1  (0.5)     5  (0.9)      CC        1  (0.3)     0  (0.0)     0  (0.0)
                 T      583 (99.1)   211 (99.5)   557 (99.1)      CT        3  (1.0)     1  (0.9)     5  (1.8)
                                                                  TT      290 (98.6)   105 (99.1)   276 (98.2)

  -219T>G        G      222 (37.8)    69 (32.5)   187 (33.3)      GG       35 (11.9)    14 (13.2)    24  (8.5)
                 T      366 (62.2)   143 (67.5)   375 (66.7)      GT      152 (51.7)    41 (38.7)   139 (49.5)
                                                                  TT      107 (36.4)    51 (48.1)   118 (42.0)

  ε2/ε3/ε4*      4       39  (6.6)     8  (3.8)    52  (9.3)     4/4        1  (0.3)     0  (0.0)     0  (0.0)
                 2       63 (10.7)    16  (7.5)    48  (8.5)     2/4        5  (1.7)     0  (0.0)     8  (2.8)
                 3      486 (82.7)   188 (88.7)   462 (82.2)     3/4       32 (10.9)     8  (7.6)    44 (15.7)
                                                                 2/3       58 (19.7)    16 (15.1)    40 (14.2)
                                                                 3/3      198 (67.4)    82 (77.4)   189 (67.3)

Fan, Mol Vis 2005; 11:625-631 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535