Table 1 of Mabuchi, Mol Vis 2005; 11:609-612.

Table 1. Frequency of APOE genotypes and alleles

There were significant differences in the apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype and allele frequencies between the open angle glaucoma (OAG) and control groups (p=0.0006 and p=0.0030, respectively; χ2 test). Each genotype is being compared to all other genotypes collectively. Data are presented as counts (percentages are in parentheses) and are calculated from the alleles of 310 patients and 179 controls (2 in each individual). Statistical tests reported in this table used Fisher's exact test.

              OAG        Control
            patients     subjects
  Sample    (n=310)      (n=179)     p value
  ------   ----------   ----------   -------

APOE genotypes
   ε2ε2      0  (0)       0  (0)
   ε2ε3     14  (4.5)    18 (10.1)   0.022
   ε2ε4      2  (0.7)     0  (0)     0.53
   ε3ε3    259 (83.5)   123 (68.7)   0.029
   ε3ε4     35 (11.3)    38 (21.2)   0.0037
   ε4ε4      0  (0)       0  (0)

APOE alleles
   ε2       16  (2.6)    18  (5.0)   0.048
   ε3      567 (91.4)   302 (84.4)   0.001
   ε4       37  (6.0)    38 (10.6)   0.012

Mabuchi, Mol Vis 2005; 11:609-612 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535