Table 2 of Willoughby, Mol Vis 2005; 11:587-593.

Table 2. LOD scores for linkage between cataract with microcornea and 22q11.2-q12.2 markers

Two-point LOD scores for linkage in microsatellite markers across the β-crystallin gene cluster in the chromosomal regions 22q11.2-q12.2. The maximum two-point lod score was achieved for D22S1114 at θ=0. Zmax, the maximum lod score achieved, is given for each marker. Significant linkage was found with microsatellite marker D22S1144 with pair-wise lod score exceeding 3.0.

             LOD score at recombination fraction
 Marker    0.0    0.05   0.10   0.20   0.30   0.40   Z Max   θ Max
--------   ----   ----   ----   ----   ----   ----   -----   -----
D22S1174   3.61   3.32   3.02   2.35   1.60   0.76   3.61      0
CRYB2A     2.41   2.23   2.04   1.63   1.17   0.63   2.41      0
D22S258    3.01   2.76   2.51   1.94   1.31   0.61   3.01      0
D22S1144   3.91   3.60   3.27   2.56   1.74   0.84   3.91      0

Willoughby, Mol Vis 2005; 11:587-593 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535