Table 2 of Brinkmann, Mol Vis 2005; 11:582-586.

Table 2. Allele frequencies of SNPs in the human VAMP5 gene

The reference for previously identified SNPs is its dbSNP accession number. The association between POAG and an SNP was evaluated using 2x2 contingency tables with χ2 (2 sided) testing. Some SNPs were not found (nf) in the POAG or control group. Allele frequencies from the dbSNP database are presented under the header "dbSNP".

     SNP            POAG       Control     p       dbSNP
---------------   ---------   ---------   ----   ---------
IVS1-106C>T          nf       0.99/0.01             new
dbSNP2289976G>A   0.75/0.25   0.77/0.23   0.83   0.94/0.06
dbSNP14976C>T     0.75/0.25   0.77/0.23   0.83   0.90/0.10
IVS2+62G>A           nf       0.99/0.01             new
IVS2-96G>A        0.99/0.01   0.99/0.01   0.77      new
IVS2-44A>G        0.18/0.82   0.21/0.79   0.52      new
dbSNP14242C>T     0.96/0.04   0.95/0.05   0.83   0.72/0.28
IVS3+21G>A        0.99/0.01      nf                 new

Brinkmann, Mol Vis 2005; 11:582-586 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535