Table 1 of van der Spuy, Mol Vis 2005; 11:542-553.

Table 1. Retinal markers used on control and LCA retina

Retinal markers used on control and LCA retina are listed. Antibodies used in immunohistochemistry of paraffin embedded sections included Ab-hAIPL1, A233, 1D4, COS-1, OS-2, LUMIf, and Recoverin. The sections were also labeled with the lectins PNA and WGA. The staining patterns for each marker in the control and LCA retinas are described.

                                    Predominant staining pattern
    Retinal marker          Control adult retina        LCA adult retina
-----------------------   ------------------------   ----------------------

Ab-hAIPL1 [16,17]         Rod photoreceptors         No signal
                          excluding rod
                          outer segments

A233 (Glial fibrillary    Astrocyte processes at     Reactive Müller cell
acidic protein)           the ILM                    processes

1D4 (Rhodopsin) [17]      Rod photoreceptor outer    No signal

COS-1 (Long/medium        L/M-cone outer segments    No signal
(L/M)-cone opsin) [16]

OS-2 (Short               S-cone outer segments      No signal
(S)-cone opsin) [16]

PNA (Peanut agglutinin)   Cone photoreceptor outer   Photoreceptor residual
[17]                      and inner segment ECM      inner segment ECM
                          sheaths                    sheaths

WGA (Wheatgerm            Cone and rod               Photoreceptor residual
agglutinin)               photoreceptor outer        inner segment ECM
                          and inner segment ECM      sheaths

LUMIf (Cone arrestin)     Cone photoreceptors        Photoreceptor residual
[22,23]                                              inner segments

Recoverin (N-16; Rod      Rod and cone               Photoreceptor residual
and cone recoverin)       photoreceptors; weak       inner segments and INL
                          bipolar cell staining

van der Spuy, Mol Vis 2005; 11:542-553 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535