Table 2 of Jin, Mol Vis 2005; 11:535-541.

Table 2. Clinical features of affected males and carrier females

Shown are the clinical features of two affected males and four female carriers in this XLRP family. Refractive errors were recorded as their spherical equivalent.

                                Best corrected visual
                               acuity/refractive error
          Present   Onset   -----------------------------
Patient   age (y)    (y)          OD              OS         Visual field         ERG
-------   -------   -----   --------------   ------------   ---------------   ------------
 IV-14      52       10     0.2 / -3.75 D    0.4/ -3.25 D   <10° concentric   Extinguished
 IV-18      43        3     0.2 / +1.75 D    0.4/ +4.0  D   <10° concentric   Extinguished
III-12      78       53     0.06/-15.0  D    -  /  -        Subnormal         Extinguished
III-13      67       48     0.5 /-20.0  D    0.5/-20.0  D   Subnormal         Extinguished
III-14      70       51     1.0 / -2.0  D    1.0/ -1.75 D   Normal            Normal
 IV-15      36       17     0.7 / -6.25 D    0.6/ -9.5  D   Normal            Subnormal

Jin, Mol Vis 2005; 11:535-541 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535