Table 3 of Roldan-Pallares, Mol Vis 2005; 11:461-471.

Table 3. Plasma and vitreous measurements

Plasma and vitreous measurements of each group of the control, retinal detachment (RD), and proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) groups. Values are expressed as mean±standard error of the mean. Bonferroni test was used for p values.

                                                                 Statistical comparisons
                                                                   of groups (p value)
                                        Groups                 ---------------------------
                          ----------------------------------   Control   RD and    Control
                           Control       RD          PVR       and RD      PVR     and PVR
  ---------------------   ---------   ---------   ----------   -------   -------   -------
Plasma Measurements

  IR-ET-1 (pg/ml)         2.17±0.01   2.71±0.01    3.24±0.02   <0.0001   <0.0001   <0.0001

Vitreous Measurements

  IR-ET-1 (pg/ml)         2.93±0.05   3.56±0.04   19.53±1.07   >0.05     <0.0001   <0.0001

  Protein (mg/ml)         1.12±0.01   1.30±0.01    2.51±0.05   <0.0006   <0.0003   <0.0003

  Ratio IR-ET-1/protein   2.61±0.02   2.73±0.03    7.65±0.25   >0.05     <0.0001   <0.0001

  Ratio IR-ET-1           1.34±0.01   1.31±0.01    5.98±0.28   >0.05     <0.0001   <0.0001

Roldan-Pallares, Mol Vis 2005; 11:461-471 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535