Table 4 of Ishikawa, Mol Vis 2005; 11:431-437.

Table 4. Characteristics of glaucoma patients with NTG according to genotype

The GG genotype of EDNRA/C+70G was associated with worse visual field defects in NTG patients (p=0.014, Mann-Whitney U test; p=0.027, logistic regression analysis). Data shown are expressed as means±standard deviation.

                                          Genotype           Mann-     Logistic
                                    ---------------------   Whitney   regression
Polymorphism     Characteristic       CC+CG        GG       p value    p value
------------   ------------------   ---------   ---------   -------   ----------
EDNRA/C+70G    Age at diagnosis     55.7±13.3   57.8±12.7    0.373      0.306
               (years)               (n=194)     (n=54)

               Untreated maximum    17.0±2.2    16.5±2.3     0.141      0.105
               IOP (mm Hg)           (n=188)     (n=53)

               Visual field score    2.7±0.7     3.0±0.7     0.014      0.027
               at diagnosis          (n=195)     (n=55)

Ishikawa, Mol Vis 2005; 11:431-437 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535