Table 3 of Tsai, Mol Vis 2005; 11:50-55.

Table 3. Mutation spectrum and immunohistochemical analysis of the p53 gene

Mutations were detected in each IHC score group. Deletion mutations were found in the group with no p53 protein IHC reactivity (IHC score 0), and substitution mutations were found in groups with p53 IHC reactivity (IHC scores +1, +2, and +3).

   IHC                p53 gene mutation
----------   ------------------------------------
Score   n    n          Mutation spectrum
-----   --   -   --------------------------------
  0     31   2   exon 7, codon 259, 1 bp deletion
                 exon 4, codon 117, 1 bp deletion

 +1      9   2   exon 8, codon 286, G:C->C:G
                 exon 5, codon 179, C:G->T:A

 +2      5   2   exon 7, codon 234, T:A->A:T
                 exon 6, codon 208, A:T->T:A

 +3      6   2   exon 6, codon 213, G:C->C:G
                 exon 6, codon 213, G:C->T:A

Tsai, Mol Vis 2005; 11:50-55 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535