Table 2 of Tsai, Mol Vis 2005; 11:50-55.

Table 2. Mutation spectrum in exons 4 to 8 of p53 gene

P53 mutations were detected in 8 pterygial samples and each sample had only one form of mutation. Three mutations occurred in exon 6, 2 in exon 7, and 1 in each of exons 4, 5, and 8. All eight mutations were point mutations, with 6 mutations being substitutions and 2 being deletions. The 6 substitutions were missense and the two deletions resulted in a frame shift.

Exon     n (%)             Spectrum                 Effect
----   ---------   ------------------------   ------------------
 4     1 (12.5%)   codon 117, 1 bp deletion   frame shift
 5     1 (12.5%)   codon 179, C:G->T:A        CAT(His)->TAT(Tyr)
 6     3 (37.5%)   codon 208, A:T->T:A        GAC(Asp)->GTC(Val)
                   codon 213, G:C->C:G        CGA(Arg)->CCA(Pro)
                   codon 213, G:C->T:A        CGA(Arg)->CTA(Leu)
 7     2 (25%)     codon 234, T:A->A:T        TAC(Tyr)->AAC(Asn)
                   codon 259, 1 bp deletion   frame shift
 8     1 (12.5%)   codon 286, G:C->C:G        GAA(Glu)->CAA(Gln)

Tsai, Mol Vis 2005; 11:50-55 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535