Table 1 of Tsai, Mol Vis 2005; 11:50-55.

Table 1. Primers used for p53 gene sequencing

Primer sequences used for sequencing the p53 gene. In the "Primer name" column, all names ending with an "S" are sense primers and all names ending with "AS" are antisense primers for the different exons.

 name    Exon     Sequence (5'-3')
------   ----   ---------------------
E4S       4     acctggtcctctgactgctc
E4S 1     4     cagcagctcctacaccggcg
E4AS      4     aggcattgaagtctcatgga
E5S       5     tgccctgactttcaactctg
E5AS      5     gctgctcaccatcgctatc
E6S       6     ctgattcctcactgattgct
E6AS      6     agttgcaaaccagacctcagg
E7S       7     cctgtgttatctcctaggttg
E7AS      7     gcacagcaggccagtgtgca
E8S       8     gacctgatttccttactgcc
E8AS      8     tctcctccaccgcttcttgt

Tsai, Mol Vis 2005; 11:50-55 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535