Table 1 of Challa, Mol Vis 2005; 11:425-430.

Table 1. IOPs of rodents receiving 107 pfu of intracameral lentivirus

The table presents the intraocular pressures (mean±standard deviation) of the eyes of rodents that received 107 pfu of intracameral lentivirus. There were no statistically significant intraocular pressure differences (paired t-test) between transduced (right) and control (left) eyes. The table suggests that there is little change in pressure levels with viral transfection.

Day   Right eye   Left eye    p value
---   ---------   ---------   -------

 2    14.7±1.4    15.5±1.1     0.32
 6    13.4±2.1    15.4±0.9     0.06
14    14.5±1.6    13.8±2.14    0.62
21    11.7±1.5    11.5±1.6     0.74

Challa, Mol Vis 2005; 11:425-430 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535