Figure 8 of Pang, Mol Vis 2005; 11:152-162.

Figure 8. Retinyl esters in normal C57BL/6J and rd12 homozygote eyes by HPLC analysis

Retinyl ester analysis was done on the eyecups of each of at least 3 mice and averaged. The data points represent means and the error bars represent the standard errors of the mean. Data for rd12 mice are shown as filled squares. The solid line is the least squares fit of the rd12 data to a straight line. Data for C57BL/6J are shown as open circles. The dashed line is the least squares fit of the C57BL/6J data to a straight line. Retinyl esters were at similar levels in both rd12 and C57BL/6J at 3 weeks of age. The retinyl ester content of the C57BL/6J eyes remained stable in the following weeks while the retinyl ester content of the rd12 mice increased greatly.

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Pang, Mol Vis 2005; 11:152-162 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535