Table 1 of Kraft, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1246-1256.

Table 1. Rod responses in wild type and transgenic rods

A comparison of the single cell response properties shows dramatic differences between the wild type rods and rods expressing the P347L mutant rhodopsin transgene. The time at which the maximum amplitude is reached for linear range responses shows a twofold acceleration ("Time to peak" in ms), while the light intensity required to evoke a half-maximal response (I1/2 in photons/μm2) is roughly tripled. Sensitivity as measured by the dim flash response (Sf in pA/photon-μm2) is reduced over sixfold in the transgenic rods. The dominant time constant (Tau in ms) remains the same, while the integration time (ti in ms) is reduced by half in the transgenics. Step duration (in ms) is mean value for the average lifetime of a step current as measured by the exponential curve fit (see Figure 3 and text). Responses were collected from 5 wild type and 5 Pro347Leu animals. The mean age of these animals was 7.2 weeks on a range of 4.6 to 10.5 weeks. All values are stated as means±SEM; the value given in parentheses is the total number of cells in which that parameter was measured.

               Time       Half-maximal   Integration     Sensitivity          Tau           Step
              to peak       response        time         (dim flash)      (Saturation)    duration
            -----------   ------------   -----------   ----------------   ------------   ----------
Wild type   327±15 (24)    54± 6 (23)    864±43 (24)   0.100±0.016 (24)   323±28 (10)        -
Pro347Leu   153±13 (34)   171±13 (34)    408±41 (33)   0.015±0.002 (33)   328±49  (6)    359±62 (6)

Kraft, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1246-1256 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535