Table 1 of Souied, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1135-1140.

Table 1. Phenotype and genotype frequencies

Exudative AMD groups are compared to controls. There was no statistical difference between the genotype and allele frequencies in Series F and Series S. The p values are for the comparison of patients to controls within each group. Additionally, the genotype frequencies are estimated under the assumption of a Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE). The χ2 statistics are for the comparison of the HWE genotype frequencies to the observed genotype frequencies. No statistical difference is seen.

                  Series F     Series S    exudative
  Parameter      (familial)   (sporadic)      AMD        Controls
--------------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
Sample size          81           60          141           91

Male (%)         26 (32.1%)   28 (46.7%)   54 (38.3%)   38 (41.8%)

Age (±SD)        74.0 ± 9.4   74.9 ± 5.7   74.3 ± 8.0   74.6 ± 6.3

  CC             28 (0.346)   20 (0.333)   48 (0.340)   11 (0.121)
  CT             38 (0.469)   25 (0.417)   63 (0.447)   33 (0.363)
  TT             15 (0.185)   15 (0.250)   30 (0.213)   47 (0.516)

p value           <0.0001      <0.0007      <0.0001

  C              47 (0.580)   33 (0.542)   80 (0.564)   27 (0.302)
  T              34 (0.420)   27 (0.458)   61 (0.436)   64 (0.698)

p value           <0.0001      <0.0001      <0.0001

under HWE
  CC               17.62        27.25        44.85         8.30
  CT               29.79        39.46        69.35        38.37
  TT               12.59        14.29        26.80        44.33

χ-sq statistic      1.55         0.11         1.18         1.79

Souied, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1135-1140 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535