Table 1 of Berube, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1101-1111.

Table 1. Summary of the cases from which tumor cell lines were derived

Cell lines were derived from primary uveal tumors (PT) or liver metastases (M) from a patient with uveal melanoma. Age refers to the patient's age in years at diagnosis of the primary tumor. Regarding the first pateint, no liver metastases were detected at the patient's last visit in 1997. After the patient's enucleation, the patient was lost to follow-up. Asterisks indicate follow-up ended when the patient died of metastatic uveal melanoma.

                                       Date of
Cell             Age/     Date of       liver       Follow-up after       Tumor
line    Origin   sex    enucleation    invasion    enucleation (mon)    histology
-----   ------   ----   -----------   ----------   -----------------   -----------
SP6.5     PT     77/F   01/26/1998        -              142           Mixed

SP8.0     PT     48/M   04/05/1988    01/01/1996         134*          Mixed

TP31      PT     62/M   10/08/1991    10/13/1994          40*          Mixed

H79       M      76/F   04/23/1996    08/15/1998          28*          Epithelioid

Berube, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1101-1111 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535