Figure 1 of Gomez-Cabrero, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1071-1082.

Figure 1. Vector modification, cloning and purification

A: The pRSETA vector was modified following the scheme outlined in Methods. Major domains are shown in boxes: HISx6 (poly-histidine tail), Tag T7pol (tag from T7 polymerase), Tag XpressTM and EK proteolysis (both eliminated from pRSETA), MCS (multiple cloning site, whole sequence), PTD4 (protein transduction domain sequence), β-Gal (β-galactosidase ORF), and Pfn I (Human profilin cDNA). Lines indicate restriction sites for NheI, XhoI, and HindIII. B: β-Gal and PTD4-β-Gal were detected by western blot with anti-T7pol tag as 121 and 123 kDa bands. C,D: Proteins containing Pfn I were detected with anti-T7pol tag and anti-profilin antibodies as 21 and 25 kDa bands, respectively.

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Gomez-Cabrero, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1071-1082 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535