Table 4 of Melki, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1012-1017.

Table 4. Association of the 453*Serine variant with a milder alteration of the visual field

Patients were categorized into three groups depending on the severity of their visual field alteration (first column). In each group, the frequencies (and percentages) of patients without (second column) or with (third column) the 453*Serine allele are reported. Comparison of the severity of the visual field alteration in both genotypic groups with the Mann-Whitney test shows a significant difference (one sided p=0.025). The 453*Serine variant is associated with a milder alteration of the visual field.

                       Asn/Asn     or Ser/Ser
   Visual field       number (%)   number (%)
-------------------   ----------   ----------
Mild alteration       52 (43)       44 (55)
Advanced scotoma      54 (44.6)     32 (40)
No light perception   15 (12.4)      4  (5)

Melki, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1012-1017 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535