Figure 1 of Melki, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1012-1017.

Figure 1. Groups of allelic correlations among CYP1B1 common SNPs

Pairwise linkage disequilibrium between CYP1B1 SNPs was measured with two coefficients: D' (A) and r2 (B) in 224 POAG patients (first value) and 47 controls (second value). Findings were similar in patients and in controls. The D' parameter is close or equal to 1, indicating that few historical recombinations have occurred in the locus. In contrast, the r2 coefficient, which measures the correlation between alleles, varies broadly. Based on r2, SNPs form three groups represented with the colors red (2805T>C, R48G, A119S), blue (L432V, D449D), and green (N453S). Within each group, alleles of SNP pairs are tightly correlated, as indicated by an r2 value greater or equal to 0.8. Alleles of two SNPs belonging to different groups are poorly correlated.


  SNP      2805T>C      R48G        A119S       L432V       D449D     N453S
-------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ------
2805T>C               0.92/1      0.97/1      0.93/1      0.92/1      0.91/1

R48G                              0.95/1      0.84/1      0.82/1      0.92/1

A119S                                         0.92/1      0.91/1      0.62/1

L432V                                                     0.98/1      1   /1

D449D                                                                 1   /1



  SNP      2805T>C      R48G        A119S       L432V       D449D     N453S
-------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ------

R48G      0.81/0.94

A119S     0.80/0.94   0.80/1

L432V     0.23/0.19   0.19/0.2    0.26/0.2

D449D     0.21/0.18   0.17/0.19   0.24/0.19   0.89/0.96

N453S     0.07/0.08   0.08/0.09   0.04/0.09   0.23/0.22   0.21/0.21

Melki, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1012-1017 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535