Table 2 of Varsanyi, Mol Vis 2005; 11:996-1001.

Table 2. Clinical findings in Hungarian achromatopsia patients

Clinical diagnoses of patients in this study were based on photophobia, nystagmus, low visual acuity, and color vision tests and electroretinography. The patients presented with a clinical picture typical for congenital achromatopsia. There were no significant differences in the phenotypes of subjects with CNGA3 or CNGB3 mutations. Photophobia and nystagmus were graded as slight (+), moderate (++), and severe (+++). All patients listed had preserved responses for the scotopic ERG, but their responses to the photopic and 30 Hz Flicker ERGs were extinguished. Patients D/II:1 and F/II:1 were too young to assess their color vision; all other patients listed lacked color discrimination. Visual acuity could not be assessed in patient F/II:1.

Family   Patient   Age   Gender   Photophobia   left eye)   Nystagmus   Gene    Allele 1    Allele 2
------   -------   ---   ------   -----------   ---------   ---------   -----   ---------   ---------
  B         I:1    63    Female       + +       0.2 /0.2       +        CNGA3   Phe547Leu   Phe547Leu
  D        II:1     4    Male        + + +      0.15/0.15      +        CNGA3   Arg283Trp   Phe547Leu
  E       III:1    11    Female      + + +      0.1 /0.1     + + +      CNGA3   Pro163Leu   Arg283Trp
  E       III:2     8    Male        + + +      0.03/0.1     + + +      CNGA3   Pro163Leu   Arg283Trp
  E        II:2    38    Female       + +       0.1 /0.15    + + +      CNGA3   Arg283Trp   Arg283Trp
  F        II:1     3    Male        + + +                   + +        CNGA3   Phe547Leu   Phe547Leu
  A        II:1    36    Male        + + +      0.2 /0.1     + +        CNGB3   Thr383fs    Thr383fs
  C        II:1    10    Male         + +       0.1 /0.1     + + +      CNGB3   Thr383fs    Thr383fs
  G         I:1    65    Male         + +       0.2 /0.2       +        CNGB3   Thr383fs    Splice
  H        II:1    12    Female      + + +      0.1 /0.1     + + +      CNGB3   Gln38X      Pro273fs
  H        II:2     9    Male        + + +      0.1 /0.1     + + +      CNGB3   Gln38X      Pro273fs
  I        II:1    22    Male        + + +      0.2 /0.06    + + +      CNGB3   Pro273fs    Thr383fs

Varsanyi, Mol Vis 2005; 11:996-1001 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535