Table 1 of Varsanyi, Mol Vis 2005; 11:996-1001.

Table 1. Mutations in Hungarian achromatopsia patients

Nucleotide sequence position based on GenBank accession numbers AF065314 (CNGA3) and AF272900 (CNGB3) with the adenosine of the annotated start codon denoting nucleotide position 1.

          Exon/        Alteration in        Alteration in
Gene     intron     nucleotide sequence   polypeptide/mRNA
-----   ---------   -------------------   -----------------
CNGA3   Exon 5        c.488C>T            Pro163Leu
CNGA3   Exon 7        c.847C>T            Arg283Trp
CNGA3   Exon 7        c.1641C>T           Phe547Leu
CNGB3   Exon 1        c.112C>T            Gln38X
CNGB3   Exon 6        c.819_826del8bp     Pro273fs
CNGB3   Exon 10       c.1148delC          Thr383fs
CNGB3   Intron 14     c.1663-5T>G         Splicing mutation

Varsanyi, Mol Vis 2005; 11:996-1001 <>
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