Table 3 of Ozgul, Mol Vis 2005; 11:916-921.

Table 3. Distribution of MYOC.mt1 genotypes in different stages of glaucoma

Distribution of MYOC.mt1 genotypes in different stages of glaucoma. No significant difference between the groups was observed (p=0.93).

                       Early       Moderate      Severe
     Variant          glaucoma     glaucoma     glaucoma
------------------   ----------   ----------   ----------
C/C (normal)         27 (69.2%)   20 (76.9%)   17 (73.9%)
C/G (heterozygote)   11 (28.2%)    5 (19.2%)    5 (21.7%)
G/G (homozygote)      1  (2.6%)    1  (3.8%)    1  (4.3%)

Ozgul, Mol Vis 2005; 11:916-921 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535