Table 1 of Ozgul, Mol Vis 2005; 11:916-921.

Table 1. Comparison of the MYOC.mt1 promoter variant genotypes and alleles in POAG patients and control group

The comparison of the MYOC.mt1 promoter variant genotypes and alleles in POAG patients and the control group. Genotype frequencies, although quite different, were not statistically significant (p=0.107).

             Healthy      Glaucoma     Odds ratio (95% confidence    p value
MYOC.mt1    subjects      subjects        intervals; p value)       (χ2 test)
--------   -----------   -----------   --------------------------   ---------
   CC      102 (82.9%)    64 (72.7%)   referent                       0.204
   CG       18 (14.6%)    21 (23.9%)   1.859 (0.9 -3.7;  p=0.084)
   GG        3  (2.4%)     3  (3.4%)   1.594 (0.31-8.13; p=0.575)

C allele   222 (90.2%)   149 (84.7%)   referent                       0.083
G allele    24  (9.8%)    27 (15.3%)   1.67  (0.93-3.01; p=0.085)

Ozgul, Mol Vis 2005; 11:916-921 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535