Table 1 of Mookadam, Mol Vis 2005; 11:909-915.

Table 1. Incidence and severity of neovascularization

The incidence of neovascularization was similar between 10 day AIR rats and 10 day MMI-AIR rats, despite the MMI-rats having a smaller ratio of vascularized to total retinal area. Any small discrepancies, between number of rats surviving and the denominator for incidence, were due to 3 retinas being ungradable. AIR represents acidosis-induced retinopathy, MMI represents Methimazole. The asterisks denote non-acidotic control values taken from a previously published study [6] that ran simultaneously with the current study.

                                                                              Ratio of
                                                       Severity of NV in    vascularized
 Experimental                                          affected rats in     to total area
    group           Survival        Incidence of NV      clock hours          (mean±SD)
--------------   ----------------   ---------------   -------------------   -------------
4 day AIR        19 of  25 (76%)     1 of 19  (5%)    1                       41 ± 6%

10 day AIR       69 of 100 (69%)    16 of 67 (24%)    1 to 6 (median 1.5)     91 ± 7%

4 day MMI-AIR    43 of  50 (86%)     0 of 43  (0%)    N/A                     36 ± 7%

10 day MMI-AIR   52 of 100 (52%)    17 of 52 (33%)    1 to 2 (median 1)       79 ± 8%

4 day Control    24 of  25 (96%)*    0 of 23  (0%)*   N/A                     50 ± 6%*

10 day Control   23 of  25 (92%)*    0 of 23  (0%)*   N/A                     91 ± 4%*

Mookadam, Mol Vis 2005; 11:909-915 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535