Table 2 of Wegscheider, Mol Vis 2005; 11:896-900.

Table 2. Clinical features of patients

This table presents the patients' clinical features and their ophthalmic complications.

           Patient characteristics                  Values
----------------------------------------------   -------------
Mean age of onset ± SD (years)                   35.1  ± 13.14
Mean number of flares ± SD                        7.92 ±  7.62
Mean duration of flares ± SD (weeks)              4.06 ±  2.68
Mean duration between flares ± SD (months)       22.97 ± 18.7

Early onset (<40 years)                            72 (63.2)
Late onset (>40 years)                             42 (36.8)
One eye affected                                   64 (56.2)
Both eyes alternating                              42 (36.8)
Both eyes concomitant                               8  (7.0)
One attack of inflammation                         14 (12.3)
Recurrent attacks of inflammation                  89 (78.1)
Chronic disease                                    11  (9.6)
Secondary cataract                                 17 (14.9)
Secondary glaucoma                                  4  (3.5)
Posterior segment inflammation                     30 (26.4)
Macular edema                                      18 (15.8)

Wegscheider, Mol Vis 2005; 11:896-900 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535