Table 2 of Zhang, Mol Vis 2005; 11:887-895.

Table 2. Increased gene expression of chemokines and chemokine receptors after retinal photic injury

All values represent the average of two independent trials with pooled retinal samples. The relative value represents normalization to the expression level of β-actin mRNA. N represents normal control retinas without photic injury treatment, 0 h represents retinas collected immediately after intense light exposure, and 3 h represents retinas collected 3 h after completion of the intense light treatment.

                                                          Relative value    Ratio (fold)
                                                          ---------------   -------------
Chemokine and their receptor genes                         N    0 h   3 h   0 h/N   3 h/N
-------------------------------------------------------   ---   ---   ---   -----   -----
monocyte chemoattractant protein-3 (MCP-3, Scya7)         0.2   0.2   1.3    1.0     4.4
small inducible cytokine A21a (leucine, Scya21a)          0.3   0.3   2.2    1.0     5.8
small inducible cytokine A6 (C10, Scya6)                  2.6   3.5   5.1    1.4     2.0
small inducible cytokine subfamily B member 15 (Scyb15)   2.2   3.3   5.0    1.5     2.3
erythropoietin (Epo)                                      0.6   0.4   1.8    0.7     3.0
Burkitt lymphoma receptor (Blr1, CXCR5)                   0.6   0.6   2.8    1.0     4.6
chemokine (CC) receptor 7 (Cmkbr7, CCR-7)                 1.2   2.3   4.0    1.9     3.4

Zhang, Mol Vis 2005; 11:887-895 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535