Table 4 of Larsson, Mol Vis 2004; 10:821-831.

Table 4. Twin correlations and twin cross correlations for the five iris characteristics by zygosity

Within pair correlations are shown on the diagonal, and the cross-twin correlations are shown off-diagonal. The asterisk represents a p<0.05 (by a two tailed test).

                   Monozygotic twins (100 pairs)
 Scales    Crypts   P. Dots   Color    Wolfflin   Furrows
--------   ------   -------   ------   --------   -------
Crypts      0.66*
P. dots    -0.05     0.58*
Color       0.06     0.20*     0.87*
Wolfflin    0.22*   -0.05     -0.18      0.75*
Furrows    -0.23*    0.24*     0.37*     0.03      0.79*

                     Dizygotic twins (99 pairs)
 Scales    Crypts   P. Dots   Color    Wolfflin   Furrows
--------   ------   -------   ------   --------   -------
Crypts      0.34*
P. dots    -0.12     0.27*
Color       0.06     0.25*     0.53*
Wolfflin   -0.10    -0.10     -0.06     -0.20*
Furrows    -0.16     0.10      0.38*    -0.17     -0.28*

Larsson, Mol Vis 2004; 10:821-831 <>
©2004 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535