Table 1 of Fujii, Mol Vis 2004; 10:814-820.

Table 1. Oxidation and racemization of αA-crystallin

This table indicates that after UV-C irradiation, the relative abundance of Met1-oxidized T1 peptide in α-crystallin increased, reaching an abundance five times higher than that of native T1 peptide at a UV-C dose of 5 J/cm2. With higher doses of radiation the abundance of peptide decreased. We have reported previously that Asp151 in αA-crystallin is stereochemically labile to allow the conversion of L-Asp to D-Asp during UV-B irradiation. As shown in column 3, the D/L ratio of Asp151 doubled with a UV-C irradiation dose of 1 J/cm2 and then decreased gradually with increasing doses of radiation.

                           D/L of
Irradiation   (T1+16)/T1   Asp151
-----------   ----------   ------
     0           0.27       0.13
     1           0.48       0.27
     2           1.63       0.24
     5           1.4        0.22
    10           1.18       0.2
    20           0.55       0.15

Fujii, Mol Vis 2004; 10:814-820 <>
©2004 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535