Table 2 of Ressiniotis, Mol Vis 2004; 10:805-807.

Table 2. Logistic regression model

The table summarizes the logistic regression model used in the analysis for the risk of developing POAG. The p values for the estimated parameters, the relative risk, and the 95% confidence interval (CI) for the relative risk are shown. The controls are the referent group. The apparent decreased risk of POAG in association with increasing age arose because the mean age of our control group was greater than the mean age of the POAG group.

                                           Relative   95% CI for the
           Variable              p value     risk     relative risk
------------------------------   -------   --------   --------------
Age                              <0.001      0.82      0.77-  0.88

Gender                            0.415      0.74      0.36-  1.53

   APOE genotype                  0.634      0.84      0.42-  1.69
   APOE -219G                     0.73       0.69      0.09-  5.49
   APOE -491T                     0.377      0.13      0.00- 12.13

Genetic interactions
  APOE genotype and APOE -219G    0.688      1.10      0.69-  1.74
  APOE genotype and APOE -491T    0.319      1.66      0.61-  4.48
  APOE -219G and APOE -491        0.218      6.92      0.32-150.65
  APOE genotype and both
    APOE -219G and APOE -491      0.177      0.62      0.31-  1.24

Ressiniotis, Mol Vis 2004; 10:805-807 <>
©2004 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535