Table 1 of Ohashi, Mol Vis 2004; 10:608-617.

Table 1. Total body weight and blood glucose level comparisons between diabetic (STZ) and control rats

Values shown are means±standard deviations. An asterisk ("*") indicates p<0.05 for the comparison between the control and diabetic rats.

Parameter          Group      2 weeks       4 weeks      3 months      6 months
---------------   -------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
Body weight (g)   Control   377.6±13.5    394.3± 2.0    614.8±17.1    637.7±22.2
                  STZ       285.3± 2.5*   286.7±28.9*   304.5±16.9*   353.6±28.0*

Blood glucose     Control    95.5±11.0     96  ± 8.2    110  ± 3.3     85  ± 5.6
level (mg/dl)     STZ       279  ± 0.8*   330  ±55.5    304  ±15.9*   284.5±39.5*

Ohashi, Mol Vis 2004; 10:608-617 <>
©2004 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535