Table 2 of Jablonski, Mol Vis 2004; 10:577-587.

Table 2. Lens weights from fixed left eyes, grouped by genotype

Presented in this table are the lens weights obtained from paraformaldehyde-fixed left eyes from F2 mice. The data are segregated by mouse genotype at the ldis1 locus. The asterisk indicates genotype at markers D8Mit242 and D8Mit199. The "R" indicatges the RIIIS/J genotype and "D" indicates the DBA/2J genotype.

         F2 progeny   F2 progeny   F2 progeny
           D/D at       D/R at       R/R at
            Ids1         Ids1         Ids1
Strain     locus*       locus*       locus*
------   ----------   ----------   ----------
Mean         5.8          6.0          2.5
SD           1.1          1.3          1.5
SEM          0.2          0.1          0.2
n           47          113           53

Jablonski, Mol Vis 2004; 10:577-587 <>
©2004 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535