Figure 4 of McColm, Mol Vis 2004; 10:512-520.

Figure 4. VEGF protein in room air controls (RA) and in 50/10 OIR model

VEGF protein measured by ELISA in RA control animals and in 50/10 OIR model animals that had 1 cycle of 24 h of 50% oxygen followed by 24 h of 10% oxygen (P2) and 7 cycles of 24 h of 50% oxygen followed by 24 h of 10% oxygen (P14). Results are means of four samples; error bars are standard deviations. An asterisk ("*") indicates p<0.03 compared to control (t-test); double asterisks ("**") indicate p<0.004 compared to control (t-test).

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McColm, Mol Vis 2004; 10:512-520 <>
©2004 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535