Table 1 of Unsoeld, Mol Vis 2004; 10:468-475.

Table 1. Retinopathy scoring system

Retinal whole mounts were examined by fluorescence microscopy and ischemia induced retinopathy was quantified by evaluating four criteria. Points received for each criterion were summed to obtain the retinopathy score. A higher score (range: 0-13 points) indicates more severe retinopathy. This scoring system was adapted from Higgins et al. [37].

     Criteria            0             1             2             3             4
------------------   ----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
central avascular    none or      <25% of       25%-50% of    >50% of            -
area                 <50% of      inner &       inner &       inner &
                     inner zone   middle zone   middle zone   middle zone

blood vessel tufts   none         in <3 clock   in 3-5        in 6-8        in 9-12
                                  hours         clock hours   clock hours   clock hours

presumed             none         in <3 clock   in 3-6        in >6 clock        -
extra-retinal                     hours         clock hours   hours

blood vessel         none         <1/3 of       1/3-2/3 of    >2/3 of            -
tortuosity                        vessels       vessels       vessels

Unsoeld, Mol Vis 2004; 10:468-475 <>
©2004 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535