Table 3 of Garcia-Hoyos, Mol Vis 2004; 10:426-431.

Table 3. Nucleotide changes and their descriptive statistics

Nucleotide changes and their descriptive statistics. The table uses the following abbreviations: Neg (Negative), Het (Heterozygote), Hom (Homozygote), and Freq (Frequency).

                               Patient Group              Control Group
                         -------------------------   ------------------------
Fragment     Change      Neg   Het   Hom    Freq     Neg   Het   Hom    Freq
--------   -----------   ---   ---   ---   -------   ---   ---   ---   ------
   1B      c.357delAGC   130   136   28    33%       47    39     9    30%
   2       IVS2+60C>T    295     6    1     1.32%    92     2     0     1.06%
   3B      c.1352G>A     302     1    -     0.003%   60     -     -     0%

Garcia-Hoyos, Mol Vis 2004; 10:426-431 <>
©2004 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535