Table 1 of Bennett, Mol Vis 2004; 10:376-382.

Table 1. PCR primers for mutation screening of GJA3

Primer pairs used for amplification and sequencing of the coding exon for GJA3 located on 13q.

   Location       Strand        Sequence (5'-3')
--------------   ---------   ----------------------
5' non-coding    Sense       TGCGGACCCGGCACTCAGC
Codons 223-229   Antisense   CTTCTTCCAGCCCAGGTGGTA
Codons 29-36     Sense       CTGTTCATCTTCCGCATTTTGG
Codons 96-103    Antisense   TCCATGCGCACGATGTGCAGCA
Codons 182-189   Sense       ACCGCTGGCCCTGCCCCAACAC
3' non-coding    Antisense   TCTTCTTCCAGCCCAGGTGGTA

Bennett, Mol Vis 2004; 10:376-382 <>
©2004 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535