Table 1 of Zheng, Mol Vis 2004; 10:361-365.

Table 1. Two-point LOD scores between the causative gene and 8 markers of chromosome 19

LOD scores were calculated under an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance and a penetrance of 90%.

                         LOD score at θ
 Locus     0.0      0.1     0.2     0.3     0.4    0.5
-------   ------   -----   -----   -----   -----   ----
D19S884   -18.08   -2.93   -1.23   -0.44   -0.07   0.00
D19S226   -25.95   -5.40   -2.60   -1.16   -0.36   0.00
D19S414   -12.57   -1.09   -0.43   -0.20   -0.1    0.00
D19S220   -16.19   -2.10   -0.59   -0.04    0.10   0.00
D19S420    -7.81   -0.41    0.12    0.23    0.17   0.00
D19S902   -11.67   -0.66    0.41    0.59    0.38   0.00
D19S418    -2.23    2.73    2.29    1.56    0.70   0.00
D19S210   -10.35    0.20    0.91    0.86    0.46   0.00

Zheng, Mol Vis 2004; 10:361-365 <>
©2004 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535