Table 1 of Han, Mol Vis 2004; 10:215-222.

Table 1. Observed and predicted masses of guinea pig AQP0 CNBr cleavage products

The calculated masses are based on assignments of the three questionable residues to T, A and G at 54, 74, and 128, respectively.

           Measured    Predicted
Sequence   mass (Da)   mass (Da)*
--------   ---------   ----------
  1-81      8781.4      8781.3*

  1-81      8797.0      8797.3**

  2-81      8649.6      8650.1*

  1-90      9971.8      9971.7*

  1-90      9986.7      9987.7**

 82-90      1160.0      1159.6*

 91-176     8917.8      8917.4

177-183      713.2       713.4

177-263     9525.0      9524.9

184-263     8781.6      8781.1

184-263     8861.6      8861.1***

*includes pyridylethylation of cysteine residues
**includes oxidation of methionine
***includes one phosphorylation

Han, Mol Vis 2004; 10:215-222 <>
©2004 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535