Table 1 of Wang, Mol Vis 2004; 10:103-111.

Table 1. Distribution of PECAM-1 isoforms in human and murine retinas

Isoforms of PECAM-1 were identified by cloning and sequencing RT-PCR products from total RNA isolated from human or mouse retina as described in the Methods. The number in parentheses indicates the total number of PECAM-1 clones examined. ND, Not Detected. The numbers under "Full" indicate the frequency in percent at which each isoform was detected.

  Isoforms      Full   Δ12   Δ13   Δ14   Δ15   Δ12&14   Δ12&15   Δ14&15   Δ12,14&15
-------------   ----   ---   ---   ---   ---   ------   ------   ------   ---------
HuRetina (29)    93    ND    ND     7    ND      ND       ND       ND        ND
MuRetina (34)     9     3    ND     9     9      ND       ND       68         3

Wang, Mol Vis 2004; 10:103-111 <>
©2004 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535