Table 2 of
Fischer, Mol Vis 2004;
Table 2. Müller glial expression of neurofilament is influenced by growth factors
The expression of neurofilament in Müller glia is preferentially induced by repeated doses of the combination of insulin and FGF1/FGF2. Intraocular injections of EGF, CNTF, insulin, or FGF2 alone have little effect on glial expression of neurofilament.
Number of NF+ Interval Müller glia between per 15,000 Number of injections square μm Growth factor injections (h) (±SD) -------------------- ---------- ---------- ------------- saline 3 24 1.4±0.9 insulin 3 24 1.2±1.0 FGF1 3 24 3.6±1.8 FGF2 3 24 4.1±1.5 insulin + FGF2 1 1.3±1.4 insulin + FGF2 2 24 10.5±2.8 insulin + FGF2 3 24 34.6±4.3 insulin + FGF1 3 24 29.7±6.2 EGF 3 24 1.8±0.9 insulin + EGF 3 24 15.2±3.7 CNTF 3 24 0.1±0.1 insulin + CNTF 3 24 2.1±1.2 insulin 2 6 2.1±1.4 FGF2 2 6 2.3±1.2 FGF2 1st-insulin 2nd 2 6 2.3±1.4 insulin 1st-FGF2 2nd 2 6 2.0±1.0 insulin+FGF2 2 6 12.8±1.2 |