Table 3 of Paluru, Mol Vis 2004; 10:917-922.

Table 3. Two point linkage analysis of Pedigree-2 using polymorphic microsatiellites markers at chromosomes 12q23-24 and 1q23-32

A total of 11 markers at 12q23-24 and 7 markers for 1q23-32 were used for fine point genotyping. The list displays the polymorphic microsatellite markers used for genotyping, LOD scores at theta max, nonparametric linkage (NPL) scores (model free analysis with 0.9 penetrance, 0.10 phenocopy rate), p values, and informative marker values (marker heterozygosity). The red color denotes the highest LOD scores for both chromosomal intervals.

 Marker    LOD score   NPL score   p value   Information
--------   ---------   ---------   -------   -----------
D12S346     0.336437    1.976623   0.0625     0.574837
D12S78      0.406907    2.038583   0.0625     0.740833
D12S1613    0.030702    0.855281   0.0625     0.462905
D12S1583    1.406333    2.038583   0.0625     0.745644
D12S1646   -0.001336    0.151861   0.28125    0.218872
D12S79      1.406333    2.038583   0.0625     0.734998
D12S1718   -0.000996    0          0.28125    0.10817
D12S86      1.405871    1.914664   0.0625     0.8
D12S324     1.405871    1.914664   0.0625     0.8
D12S1659    0.002513    0          0.28125    0.2
D12S1723    1.115712    0.801826   0.0625     0.527807

D1S2726    -0.267785   -0.300887   0.5        0.574837
D1S252      0.445379    0.238118   0.25       0.35
D1S484      1.406333    2.038583   0.0625     0.727807
D1S2878     1.328281    1.731621   0.0625     0.674837
D1S196      0.288437    0.595295   0.125      0.318872
D1S218     -1.470127    0.196812   0.25       0.8
D1S238     -2.449207   -0.32559    0.5625     0.7

Paluru, Mol Vis 2004; 10:917-922 <>
©2004 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535