Table 4 of Zhang, Mol Vis 2004; 10:890-900.

Table 4. Variation of two point lod scores for myopia at D3S1292 and D3S3637 with penetrance and phenocopy rates

The highest lod score of 3.79 for D3S1292 occurs with 100% penetrance and a 6% phenocopy rate. The "Penet" column indicates the penetrance of the dD and DD genotype (gene carriers). The "Max with lod>3" column indicates the maximum phenocopy rate yielding a lod score (inside brackets) greater than 3 under the different penetrances in each row. The "Max" (bottom of first column) indicates the lowest penetrance yielding a lod score (inside the brackets in the next row down) greater than 3 under the different phenocopy rates in each column. For each combination of penetrance and phenocopy rate, lod scores are given for both markers D3S1292 and D3S3637 as (lod for D3S1292/lod for D3S3637).

                      Maximum lod score for D3S1292/D3S3637 with phenocopy rate (dd) of
Penet        0           0.01          0.05          0.10          0.15          0.20         0.25       Max with lod>3
-----   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ---------   ----------------
1.00     3.69/3.33     3.71/3.34     3.78/3.38     3.73/3.33     3.53/3.13     3.26/2.86    2.92/2.52   0.23 [3.07/2.67]
0.99     3.54/3.39     3.60/3.38     3.72/3.39     3.69/3.33     3.49/3.13     3.22/2.85    2.88/2.50   0.23 [3.03/2.66]
0.95     3.17/3.37     3.30/3.37     3.52/3.38     3.52/3.30     3.34/3.08     3.08/2.80    2.73/2.44   0.21 [3.02/2.03]
0.90     2.89/3.28     3.04/3.30     3.31/3.33     3.33/3.23     3.17/3.00     2.90/2.71    2.55/2.33   0.18 [3.02/2.84]
0.85     2.69/3.18     2.85/3.21     3.13/3.25     3.17/3.14     3.00/2.91     2.73/2.60    2.37/2.21   0.15 [3.00/2.91]
0.80     2.53/3.08     2.68/3.12     2.98/3.17     3.01/3.05     2.84/2.81     2.57/2.49    2.18/2.08   0.11 [2.99/3.10]
0.75     2.39/2.99     2.54/3.03     2.84/3.09     2.87/2.96     2.69/2.70     2.40/2.34    1.99/1.93   0.08 [2.90/3.03]
0.70     2.27/2.90     2.42/2.95     2.72/3.01     2.73/2.86     2.54/2.58     2.23/2.22    1.79/1.76   0.05 [2.72/3.01]
0.65     2.12/2.85     2.30/2.85     2.61/2.93     2.60/2.76     2.39/2.46     2.05/2.07    1.58/1.57          -
0.584    2.02/2.72     2.17/2.77     2.47/2.82     2.44/2.61     2.19/2.28     1.79/1.83    1.27/1.28          -

Max         0.76          0.74          0.70          0.78          0.85          0.93
        [2.42/3.01]   [2.52/3.02]   [2.72/3.01]   [2.96/3.02]   [3.00/2.91]   [3.01/2.77]       -

Zhang, Mol Vis 2004; 10:890-900 <>
©2004 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535