Figure 2 of Zhang, Mol Vis 2004; 10:890-900.

Figure 2. Photograph of the anterior eye with lens images

A-C: Individual 34 at 4 years of age. Lens opacities were only observed at the anterior Y and posterior inverted Y sutures. C: Photograph taken under retroillumination. D,E: Individual 31 at age 18 with corrected visual acuity of 20/15 in both eyes. Lens opacity was only observed at the anterior Y and posterior inverted Y sutures, which show typical features of the Y-suture cataract. The hazy appearance of the lens in D results from intense scatter lights used to visualize the sutural cataract. F,G: Individual 30 at age 20 demonstrates the Y-suture cataract. The white lens opacity at each branch of the sutures looks like a feather duster. H,I: Individual 23 at 29 years old showing Y-suture opacity combined with punctuate cortical opacities.

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Zhang, Mol Vis 2004; 10:890-900 <>
©2004 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535