Figure 4 of Wong, Mol Vis 2004; 10:837-844.

Figure 4. PEDF over-expression does not significant affect the rate of radial vascular and retinal growth during early development.

A: Bar graph showing the proportion between the average vascular radius in the experimental (black bars), and control eyes (gray bars) in 12 pairs of eyes (mice aged P7-P14; P7, pair 1; P8 pairs 2-4; P9, pair 5; P10, pair 6; P12, pairs 7-10; P13, pair 11; P14, pair 12). In all eyes examined, the ratio was approximately 1:1 (expressed as 50% on the y-axis). B: Growth curve of the average vascular radius in experimental (black markers), and control (gray markers) eyes. The radius of the vascular tree increased with age similarly in experimental eyes and control eyes (Student's t-test, 2 tailed; p=0.89). PEDF over-expression does not significantly inhibit the rate of radial vascular expansion. C: Growth curve of the average retinal radius in experimental (black markers) and control (gray markers) eyes. The radius of the neural retina increased with age similarly in experimental eyes and control eyes (Student's t-test, 2 tailed; p=0.80). PEDF over-expression does not significantly inhibit the rate of radial retinal growth.

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Wong, Mol Vis 2004; 10:837-844 <>
©2004 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535