Table 1 of Cornish, Mol Vis 2004; 10:1-14.

Table 1. Primers used for FGF receptor gene PCR

The primer pairs used to identify FGF receptors in human retina by PCR, and their accession numbers, are shown below.

                       Primers (5' to 3')
         ----------------------------------------------                                             Product
 Gene       Forward primer          Reverse primer                   Accession number              size (bp)
------   --------------------   -----------------------   --------------------------------------   ---------
FGFR1    taccaccgacaaagagatgg   ctggctgtggaagtcactct      NM_000604: 2825 - 2845 and 3089 - 3109      287
FGFR2    tggagcgatcgcctcaccg    cttccaggcgctggcagaactgt   NM_000141: 2675 - 2693 and 3001 - 3023      352
FGFR3    caccaccgacaaggagcta    gctcgagctcggagacatt       XM_044120: 1398 - 1416 and 1810 - 1828      433
FGFR4    gggtcctgctgagtgtgc     ggggtaactgtgcctattcg      XM_030308:  556 -  573 and  940 -  959      406
FGFrl1   cggctcctacctcaataagc   aacgagggaaggtccttgt       NM_021923:  970 -  989 and 1308 - 1326      359

Cornish, Mol Vis 2004; 10:1-14 <>
©2004 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535